بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
فَأَجَآءَهَا ٱلْمَخَاضُ إِلَىٰ جِذْعِ ٱلنَّخْلَةِ ۖ قَالَتْ يَـٰلَيْتَنِى مِتُّ قَبْلَ هَـٰذَا وَكُنتُ نَسْيًۭا مَّنسِيًّۭا فَنَادَىٰهَا مِن تَحْتِهَآ أَلَّا تَحْزَنِى ۖ قَدْ جَعَلَ رَبُّكِ تَحْتَكِ سَرِيًّۭا وَهُزِّىٓ إِلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ ٱلنَّخْلَةِ تُسَـٰقِطْ عَلَيْكِ رُطَبًۭا جَنِيًّۭا
SURAH MARYAM (19:23-25)
"And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She said, 'Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.' But he called her from below her, 'Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.'"
In the Qur'an, the date palm stands as a symbol of sustenance, resilience, and divine generosity. Revered for its ability to thrive in the harshest deserts, this graceful tree provides nourishment and comfort in times of need. Its fruit, the humble date, appears in stories of miraculous provision—like the gentle command given to Maryam (Mary) to shake the date palm, offering her fresh dates in her hour of need. Each mention in the Qur'an highlights the palm’s beauty and grace, reminding us of life’s blessings even in challenging times. The date palm, with its rooted strength and sweet fruit, is an enduring symbol of patience, reward, and the sacred gifts scattered throughout creation.
Mentioned more than twenty times, dates are celebrated for their life-giving nourishment and deep-rooted resilience, qualities that mirror the steadfastness of faith. In the Qur'an, the date palm is not only a source of physical nourishment but a reminder of Allah’s mercy and generosity. From the gentle provision of fresh dates to Maryam during her trials to their place as a sustaining food in the Arabian Peninsula, the date palm has long been revered as a blessed gift. Each reference to dates in the Qur'an reflects a profound connection to creation and an invitation to appreciate the bounties that sustain us. Below are the main Quranic verses that reference olives, along with their translations, significance, and our version of their significance.
1. Surah Maryam (19:23-25)
In Surah Maryam, the date palm is central to the story of Maryam (Mary) as she faces the pains of childbirth.
فَأَجَآءَهَا ٱلْمَخَاضُ إِلَىٰ جِذْعِ ٱلنَّخْلَةِ ۖ قَالَتْ يَـٰلَيْتَنِى مِتُّ قَبْلَ هَـٰذَا وَكُنتُ نَسْيًۭا مَّنسِيًّۭا فَنَادَىٰهَا مِن تَحْتِهَآ أَلَّا تَحْزَنِى ۖ قَدْ جَعَلَ رَبُّكِ تَحْتَكِ سَرِيًّۭا وَهُزِّىٓ إِلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ ٱلنَّخْلَةِ تُسَـٰقِطْ عَلَيْكِ رُطَبًۭا جَنِيًّۭا
SURAH MARYAM (19:23-25)
English Translation:
"And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She said, 'Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.' But he called her from below her, 'Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.'"
In this verse, Allah provides Maryam with both spiritual and physical comfort through the date palm. The dates are a symbol of Allah’s gentle care, providing her with nourishment and ease during a challenging time. The reference to dates here emphasizes the fruit’s ability to revitalize and support well-being.
2. Surah An-Nahl (16:11)
In Surah An-Nahl, the date palm is mentioned alongside other fruits as part of Allah's creation that provides sustenance for humanity.
يُنبِتُ لَكُم بِهِ ٱلزَّرْعَ وَٱلزَّيْتُونَ وَٱلنَّخِيلَ وَٱلْأَعْنَـٰبَ وَمِن كُلِّ ٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ ۗ إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَءَايَةًۭ لِّقَوْمٍۢ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
English Translation:
"With it He causes crops to grow for you, and the olive, the date-palm, the grapevine, and all kinds of fruits. Surely in this is a sign for those who reflect."
This verse highlights the date palm as part of Allah's miraculous provision on earth. By including it among the fruits that nourish humanity, the verse invites us to reflect on the wonders of creation and to recognize Allah’s blessings in the everyday provisions that sustain us.
3. Surah Al-An'am (6:99)
Surah Al-An'am mentions the date palm as part of the miraculous cycle of life and growth that Allah creates.
Arabic:وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَنشَأَ جَنَّـٰتٍۢ مَّعْرُوشَـٰتٍۢ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَـٰتٍۢ وَٱلنَّخْلَ وَٱلزَّرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُكُلُهُۥ وَٱلزَّيْتُونَ وَٱلرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَـٰبِهًۭا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَـٰبِهٍۢ ۚ كُلُوا۟ مِن ثَمَرِهِۦٓ إِذَآ أَثْمَرَ وَءَاتُوا۟ حَقَّهُۥ يَوْمَ حَصَادِهِۦ ۖ وَلَا تُسْرِفُوٓا۟ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ لَا يُحِبُّ ٱلْمُسْرِفِينَ
English Translation:
"It is He who produces gardens, both cultivated and wild, and palm trees, crops of different kinds of food, olives, and pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of their fruit when they bear fruit, and give [due] alms on the day of harvest, and be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like the wasteful."
In this verse, the date palm is mentioned to emphasize the variety and abundance of Allah’s creation, calling attention to the importance of using these blessings responsibly. Dates are symbolic of a life-sustaining fruit, and the verse encourages gratitude and moderation in enjoying these gifts.
4. Surah Ya-Sin (36:34-35)
Here, the date palm is highlighted as part of a series of blessings that Allah provides for sustenance.
وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا جَنَّـٰتٍۢ مِّن نَّخِيلٍۢ وَأَعْنَـٰبٍۢ وَفَجَّرْنَا فِيهَا مِنَ ٱلْعُيُونِ لِيَأْكُلُوا۟ مِن ثَمَرِهِۦ وَمَا عَمِلَتْهُ أَيْدِيهِمْ ۖ أَفَلَا يَشْكُرُونَ
SURAH YA-SIN (36:34-35)
English Translation:
"And We placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and caused to burst forth from it some springs - That they may eat of His fruit. And their hands have not produced it, so will they not be grateful?"
This verse encourages gratitude for the sustenance provided by Allah, who brings forth fruits like dates as a blessing. The mention of date palms alongside grapevines and springs reinforces their role as symbols of divine nourishment and abundance, calling people to acknowledge these as gifts beyond human creation.
5. Surah Ar-Rahman (55:68-69)
Surah Ar-Rahman celebrates the diversity and abundance of fruits in paradise, with a specific mention of date palms.
فِيهِمَا فَاكِهَةٌۭ وَنَخْلٌۭ وَرُمَّانٌۭ وَفِيهِمَا فَاكِهَةٌۭ وَنَخْلٌۭ وَرُمَّانٌۭ